How Real Feng
Shui Works
How Feng Shui Transforms Your life
Feng Shui is a coming together of environmental science, healing art and ancient metaphysical wisdom. It helps you by providing a subtle, yet powerful tool for prosperous and harmonious living, it does this in a very logical and practical way. This is one of the main reasons why Feng Shui has stood the test of time and continues to still exist today. Feng Shui is not magic or superstitious and cannot provide miracles, although these may happen! Even small enhancements to your living spaces adhering to the principles of Feng Shui will positively impact your life.
If an environment has any level of disharmony, then to overcome the problems causing this would involve a variety of adjustments. These might include introducing inspiring artwork, pleasant colour accents, plants and other natural elements, re-arranging objects, deflecting, removing, or neutralising disruptive sources and managing clutter. This transformation will be very evident and reflected positively in the mood and atmosphere of the environment, therefore having a positive impact on your life enabling you to live harmoniously.
Feng Shui’s main purpose is to leverage the positive energies, undo the blocks of stagnant energy and create a harmonious environment. Whether it's through creative self-expression, leisure activities, sports, studies, or your job, success is the key to self-esteem. Feng Shui provides simple, practical answers that have a significant impact on the outcomes you achieve. You may improve the flow of your luck while minimising difficult times and misfortune, which will help you achieve your life's maximum potential with higher success.
According to Chinese culture, having a fulfilling relationship promotes achievement, improves health, and lengthens life. Feng Shui has the capacity to energise your marriage and improve your chances of establishing and keeping a long-term loving relationship. Using a Chinese compass, the true relationship area of your home will be identified. Specific symbolic improvements can be added to that space and in your bedroom to get the desired outcome; this works best when the overall feng shui is supportive in those areas first. When discussing this or any other aspect of your life with us, you can be sure that everything will be kept completely private.
Balancing yin and yang energies, creates a harmonious, joyful environment where you will flourish both materially and emotionally. To achieve this it entails resolving the imbalances that are threatening the harmony of your environment and having a detrimental effect on you. Examples include creating a sense of calm in overactive or cluttered areas, introducing a sense of connection with nature, restoring free flowing movement in obstructed or stagnant areas, encouraging communication, and removing stressed feelings.